Monday 21 November 2022

Until then there will be a short delay.....


When we travelled to Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador in 1995, each of us got quite sick from something we ate at least twice.  When we travelled to Morelia, MX in 2006 for 2 weeks, and through Mexico 2011/12 for 2 months, neither of us did.

I talked about it with the doctor at the travel clinic before we left, and she assured us that it probably wasn't the probiotics that I took on our later trips, but that sanitation has improved in Mexico over the last 30 years.

Well, my lucky streak broke.  For two of the last three days all I could keep down was about 1/2 cup of cooked oatmeal, 3 tablespoons of yogurt, a half cup of packaged chicken noodle soup, and a bunch of rehydration salts. 

Ah well.  It was probably the over-priced middle class chain restaurant Toks, where we had lunch just before we left Xalapa.  That will teach me!

In happier news, we've finally tracked down a birding guide for Oaxaca, and have a whole day of birding booked for next week. And we spent a lovely morning visiting the Panteon San Miguel (the cemetery) looking for birds.  

We saw a fair number of birds on our way there, and a few in the cemetery.  But I'm looking forward to getting some feedback from an expert.  It's surprising difficult to identify random unknown birds when all you see is a glimpse from directly underneath.  I keep joking that *I'm* going to publish a guide on identifying birds from an upskirt perspective. 

The other object of note that I spotted on the way to the cemetery this morning was this mariposa linda:  

1 comment:

  1. What a rare and exquisite creature you have captured in that final photo! Exotic!
